Install FreeNX server on Ubuntu 12.04

Installing FreeNX server on Ubuntu 12.04 needs a little tweaking.

1- Add the repository :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team

2- Install FreeNX server

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install freenx

3- Next, as noted in the community documentation for installing FreeNX – download the missing nxsetup script, untar it, then copy it to /usr/lib/nx (the command below is one entire line that runs 3 commands and ends with /usr/lib/nx)

wget && tar xvf nxsetup.tar.gz && sudo cp nxsetup /usr/lib/nx

4- Run the NX server setup script

sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup –install

5- Configure the FreeNX server to configure clients to use ubuntu-2d session

echo -e “\n#Use unity 2d for client sessions\nCOMMAND_START_GNOME=’gnome-session –session=ubuntu-2d'”|sudo tee -a /etc/nxserver/node.conf

6- Restart the NX server

sudo /etc/init.d/freenx-server restart

That’s all. Now access the installed FreeNX server with the FreeNX client (from a OS of your choice).

Greetz, M.

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