Failed to deploy OVF package: The task was canceled by a user (Solution)

Tried to deploy a OVF package. After finishing the wizard, vSphere stopped the deployment with the message “Failed to deploy OVF package: The task was canceled by a user.“. However there was no other user logged in !

The fix for this is very easy :

  • Deleted *.mf file and change settings in the ovf file

If your not deploying an OVF package but an OVA package, extract the files from the OVA package (e.g. using 7zip). There are files with different extensions :

  • ovf – OVF descriptor, written in XML, which describes the hardware requirements
  • mf – contains SHA1 checksums of the .OVA and .VMDK
  • vmdk – the virtual hard disk for the virtual machine.

I immediately discarded the .mf. If you modify the .ova and don’t update the .mf, it’ll complain that the checksum is invalid. Removing this file seems to prevent vSphere from checking the checksums, which is useful, seeing as we want to poke around the .ova. After fiddling around inside the .ovf, I stumbled across the following line…


Changing the above line, to read…


…appears to have fixed my deployment issues. Perhaps changing the ‘CD Drive Device type’ in the virtual machine’s settings would’ve fixed it. But by that point, I had already exported the OVA and deleted the source virtual machine.

Hopefully someone will stumble across this one day, and it’ll save them a few hours !

Greetz, M.

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