helpful tcpdump command options

When creating a tcpdump, you don’t want to exclude to much information, to prevent a trace becoming useless. However large output files can be a pain to load and examine in Wireshark. There are some solutions though.

Create multiple files

tcpdump -n -C 128 -W 100 -i eth0 -w /tmp/packetlog.pcap &

  • -n don’t do reverse lookup on IPs, don’t convert port numbers to text descriptions, don’t convert MAC addesses to names, etc..
  • -C 128 rotate capture files every 128,000,000 bytes (128MB)
  • -W 100 limit the number of capture files being rotated (see -C) to 100
  • -i eth0 capture on interface eth0
  • -w /tmp/packetlogs/packetlog.pcap use file name /tmp/packetlogs/packetlog.pcap
  • & this is parsed by bash; indicates that the command should be run in the background (asynchronously)

Split the output file into smaller chunks

how to split a pcap file into a set of smaller ones :

tcpdump -r old_file -w new_files -C 10

The “-C” option specifies the size of the file to split into. Eg: In the above case new files size will be 10 million bytes each.

Enjoy ! M.

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